Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Saga Begins - well, continues

So, to be far too honest and blunt. I'm quite overweight, fat, obese, whatever term you want to use. But, if nothing else, I'm making an effort to be otherwise. As of January of this year, I made a goal of losing 100 pounds, although, truth be told, it should have been 120, but baby steps, right? Anyway, as of today, I have lost 35 of them, so baby steps continue. 65 to go. I'll keep you all up to date on my progress.
It's weird, I have, count 'em, three web sites that I check in with to post whatever exercise I've done that day - I find it's the only way to hold myself accountable. But here, I get to inflict on whomever is unfortunate to find this blog, the boasting, or whatever I might need to do to actually feel validated in my efforts, not that anyone necessarily would validate me out there. Case in point: I went to the gym today, in fact I'm fresh from my post workout shower. So, I logged it on the three aforementioned websites. But still I still need to say here - Hooray! I'm trying! Validate me! it's all self-indulgent bullshit afterall, but then what are blogs for. So there - I walked on the treadmill for 65 minutes. Good for me. Let's move on.


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