Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Piłkarstwo a go-go

Admittedly, I do not, nor do I ever plan to care about Soccer, the World Cup, or anything related to either.

However, as a Polish Jew, I'm kinda taking an interest in the Poland-Germany game that's going on right now.
Poland has never beaten Germany - in soccer or otherwise, and they need at least a draw to stay in the cup race.
I don't care about that, but how great an upset would that be, on so many levels?

Maybe it's the fever talking. My summer cold has escalated into a full-on summer flu.
Yup, wishing for death right about now. Or, to at least be able to keep water down since I'm dehydrated as all get out.

Enough whining. Back to bed I go again.

Postscript: Ah well, so much for that. Still don't care. Soccer shmacher


Blogger Peter N said...

Shit, I hope you feel better. The windy city, germ free it's not. And last night Matt C. and company did nothing to make you feel better. Jew to Jew, I hope your immune system kicks into overdrive. And maybe I created a Jess smile. Just a little one.

6/15/2006 8:23 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

Thanks, Peter.
I'm getting there.
It's a good thing I slept through the game, huh? Ah well.
I'm smiling today anyway, thanks.

6/15/2006 10:12 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

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6/15/2006 10:12 AM  

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