Thursday, June 15, 2006

Some things, we like to break

Records, for one, but more pertinently for me (since it's all about me, right?) FEVERS!

Yes, thankfully, my fever broke some time in the last two hours, now sub 102 for the first time in a while. My thoughts are clearing, water is staying down, and I'm getting back there.
It seems that spending twenty out of twenty-four hours in bed really does help.
I'm still a big ball of phlegm (aren't you glad I'm sharing?) and I still sound like Barry White when I talk, but hey, it's progress.
I gotta say though, this is not how I had planned to lose more weight. Four pounds in three days? I know it's all water weight lost and it'll come back now that I can drink fluid again, but still, gave me a brief thrill when I hopped on the scale.
Forty-five down, fifty-five to go. For now, anyway.

It seems it's a good thing that I slept through last night's ball game.
Just as well, I have to say my faith in Matt Clement has long since subsided.

Ok, I'm still a little fatigued, going to lay down some more.


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