Sunday, January 21, 2007

Destiny shmestiny

It seems like everyone and their brother wants/expects it to be Colt - Saints in the SuperBowl. Everyone who doesn't live in New England or Illinois, that is.

I don't get it.
No, really, I don't.
I realize that the Saints are all feel-goody and I get that.
But the Colts? C'mon!
I have all the respect in the world for Tony Dungy and all that but Manning, with all his salary, commercials and, gotta say it, chokes, just doesn't deserve it.
I'm sick to death of this guy. Yes, we get it. He's a good quarterback. Fine.
He's also in a position to have to carry his team, and that's a shame - for him.

Enough, I gotta have some coffee and get ready to go to the bar.
Between the Bears game and the Pats game, as with last week, something tells me my ulcers will be having ulcers and that some time in the fourth quarter of game two I'll be having an aneurysm, as I pace about, freaking out.

That's it for now.

Oh yeah, GO PATS!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who dat talkin' bout beatin' dem Saints, who dat?!!


1/21/2007 2:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I wish Manning would just choke and end this charade of actually winning playoff games. Geesh. I hate the Colts as they are one of those "Hey, let's leave a loyal city behind and go somewhere crappy".

Here's hoping for an end to their run.

1/21/2007 6:35 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Well, crud.
So much for that.
Stupid Colts.

Go Bears?

1/21/2007 9:37 PM  

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