Sunday, May 28, 2006

This is not your living room

So, as an escape from the heat, I went to a movie theater for the first time in a year and a half or so.
Saw the Da Vinci Code.
Yes, I read the book first, and yes, it was a quick page turning read that had the paid programming elements of the Celestine Prophecy that I expected.
It was, however, actually, fairly decent, if you are patient enough to deal with the historical inserts. Which I was, considering that I did my Honor's Thesis in college on the iconography of the cult of Isis and how it was appropriated by the then cult of Christianity to curry favor with the undecideds of the time.

The thing that killed me, hence the title of the post, was the utter lack of etiquette present in attendees of the movie.
Now, granted, I hadn't been to a movie in awhile, but, if memory serves, you're not supposed to talk in the middle of a flick.

I changed seats once, just as the movie started, since these two chicks behind me, who smuggled in their own food and drinks, btw, wouldn't shut the fuck up.
Then I find out the seat I had moved to was commandeered by two older chicks who, not only wouldn't shut the fuck up, but also smuggled in their own .wine coolers.
So, I said more than once to them - "this is not your living room!".

I've always enjoyed seeing movies by myself. No need to look to your companion for their reaction, but this pissed the living shit out of me.

What happened to decorum? to social grace? to common respect and decency in a shared public venue?

I guess there's a reason I haven't seen a movie in public in quite some time.

Nonetheless, I may have to do it again tomorrow, since the weather is supposed to be the same, and the AC's still not working

Not a bad flick, not a bad book.. if nothing else, it engages the general public in a thoughtful conversation that, in my opinion, should have occurred many centuries ago.

Oh, sorry, did you not know that I'm an atheist?

Moving right along.
The AC's not working yet.
It's midnight and 80 degrees in here which feels like 100 to me.
I am a punk-ass-bitch at her worst right now.
Sleep would be a relief. Death would be preferable at this point.

And, oh yeah, tomorrow's a holiday, so I'm guessing there'll be no AC repairman for the followup day of heat.

It reached a high of 92 degrees today.
If I'm lucky, I'll fall asleep around three AM when it finally gets under 75 degrees out.

Ok, enough bitching.
Now to place myself, once again, in front of the fan.

Happy Fricking Memorial Day.
Not to belittle the purpose of the day. I'm all for it. Just a little atmospherically pissy.


Blogger Peter N said...

I take it this is a building a/c problem, not a "stick in the window" a/c unit. And if you are not on the ground floor, it only gets hotter as you ascend. And your movie experience is much like past ones for me. I do have a hi-def tv in the living room, with all the speakers needed to flutter my pant's legs with booming bass. And it's great for a Sox game. NESN in Hi-Def is a religious experience, with the crowd's chants dancing all aroung the room and the pic as clear as every blade of grass or every beard's stubble. But until DVD and it's industry gets it's act together with ONE format FOR HI-DEF, I WILL STILL GO TO THE FLICKS OCCASIONALLY (sorry for caps). For Speilberg, and for other special movies. And I think if someone made a movie from Brown's earlier book, ANGELS AND DEMONS, also starring Robert Langdon, it would be a blockbuster. Why? MORE ACTION. The book was just sooo good, and if you haven't read it, pick it up tomorrow, And I'll hope for that coming cold front to reach you soon. Take care.

5/29/2006 8:32 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

Thanks Peter.
It's definitely a building AC problem.
The landlord came by and had us change the filter, but it didn't help. And of course, it's a holiday today so no assistance will be forthcoming.
It's 86 degrees in here right now and I'm about ready to put a gun to my head but then, I don't own one.
My roommate has the other book.
I'll read it soon enough.

Here's to cold fronts. Soon, hopefully.

5/29/2006 10:55 AM  
Blogger Peter N said...

Maybe soon is right. The dew points are supposed to go into the 40s by Sat. here. Your air is mine 2 or 3 days before.

5/30/2006 11:44 AM  

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