Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My neurologist kicks your neurologist's ass!

I get some serious chronic pain issues from time to time, in addition to frequent migraines.
This is all related to brain problems, as attested to by my neurologist.

Anyway, some time last year when I was in for my quarterly brain check-up, I was simultaneously having an obscene migraine.
My doc was very sympathetic, he's actually a really cool guy.
But the bottom line is, we got through the check-up quickly and he sent me on my way with a prescription for Vicodin. Kick. Ass.

I don't tend to take pain meds for recreational purposes. Honest. Still don't.
With pain and all that crappy stuff, I went through my script in about three months.

So, more pain ensued and the other day I emailed him and asked him to call in a new prescription for me.

Now, here's the best part.
Finally picked it up today, 30 pills, sufficient to last quite some time.
Then I looked at the bottle, and for the first time ever, there was authorization for refills.

Such a relief.

You know the saying "Why do I bang my head against a wall? Because it feels so good when I stop."
Well, I feel almost human today.
A nice change from cringing with every movement.

Stupid brain.



Blogger Peter N said...

Peter here on Tuesday...thank you for your wonderful comment that I just read. You are so sweet. And hey, Vicodin? Not the answer all the time, but a blessing still. And the Doc has faith in you. I've had that same faith ever since we started blogging!
I'm still sad, in between the happy moments. He (my boy Baby Cakes) was the best. Take care Jess...I need ya to talk to this summer. So no more banging your head. ANYWHERE!

3/27/2007 2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your neurologist
is definitely very cool.
Let's all haiku Dave!

3/29/2007 12:15 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Lemme have some coffee and I'll chime in over there!

3/29/2007 12:36 PM  

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