Friday, May 04, 2007

The parents are coming! The parents are coming!

This will be the second time that my parents have visited me in the city I was living in since moving out of their home after high school.

The first time was in St. Paul, MN for my college graduation.
Now, eleven years later, they are descending upon Chicago for the weekend.

Kinda apprehensive to tell the truth, not sure how I'll entertain them thru Monday, but it should work out.
There is the architectural boat tour that I scheduled for Sunday.
Also, and I'm kinda proud of myself, I managed to score us some reservations for dinner tomorrow night at Charlie Trotter's, a place that recommends 10-12(!!!!) advance reservation for a weekend dining experience. Guess I just got really lucky. I called them last week just as they were completing their confirmation/cancellation for this upcoming weekend.

Beyond that, well, there are certainly a ton of museums to go to, so we'll be busy.
Just hope they'll bear with me. Spent the week in bed with the flu so I may not quite have the gusto they may be hoping for.

Still, it'll be a refreshing change to see them on my turf for a change.
Until then, back to the Red Sox game.

Not even going to comment on this past week's plus worth of games. All too exciting, startling, frightening and as always entertaining to recap.

We'll see how much longer this hiatus lasts.
I'll be back. Eventually.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hope your weekend is going well. Scoring the Trotter's reservation is impressive.

5/05/2007 11:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, make you a bet.

Brewers vs. Red Sox. Whoever ends the season with the better record:

I'll buy you a good bottle of booze of your choosing.

You'll let me crash on you couch so I can see the museums.


5/07/2007 10:55 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

Sounds like a plan!

Yeah, you haven't visited us in a while now.
You know you can crash here even if you lose, right?

5/07/2007 1:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And I'll bring a bottle of booze even if I win! I'm thinking fall sometime.

5/08/2007 10:02 AM  
Blogger Peter N said...

Hi's Friday the 11th, and our Sox are way hot. I hope you're doing well! Blog buddy Peter (remember me?).

5/11/2007 10:59 AM  

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