Wednesday, August 22, 2007

About damn time

I've been neglecting this here blog of mine, apologies to those who read it (both of you!).

In any case, my beloved Red Sox are finally coming to town tomorrow for a four game series against the White Sox.
I'm definitely going to tomorrow night's game, beyond that, we'll have to see. Maybe.

In any case, I'll be in the left field seats, about thirty rows back or so.
Provided I remember to tomorrow, I'll bring my camera and hopefully have some pics to share. Hope Manny washed behind his ears!

More tomorrow, or, probably, the day after.

Go Sox!

Pre/post-script - it's now Thursday afternoon and we're in the midst of a combined tornado/thunderstorm so we'll have to see if the game happens. It won't be for another three and a half hours so I'm guessing it's still on, if a little damp and windy.



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