Wednesday, April 26, 2006

If you can't say anything nice

Well, I hadn't planned on saying anything at all about tonight's Sox game, but I can't help it, so I'll leave it at this: How 'bout some control top baseball bats, you know, for that extra RUN SUPPORT? Wakes, man, you just weren't with it tonight. I say this as the game is as yet, unfinished.

I'm all for a great comeback, and I retain hope for the same, but man, this game was one that I was ok with watching very intermittently. I basically popped my head in every half hour or so, got pissed off, and walked away.

Nonetheless, still hopeful, realistically or not.
Feel very sorry for Tim, but it wasn't just him. Just mostly. Unfortunately. I really wanted him to get a win, for his self assurance if nothing else. I realize that, as a pro, his got his head game together, but still, going 1-4 has to suck. We do really need Mirabelli to catch for him. I think just that comfort level would chip in. But what do I know.

Well, Wakes is out of the game, we're only going into the seventh inning.
Plenty of time, right? I thought so.

Postscript: Now that the game's over. Love the movie Major League. Not a fan of the Tribe. Dammit.


Blogger Peter N said...

I gave up by 9pm EDT. I knew there was no victory in the cards. And I never give up. Thanks for being a returning visitor to my blog. Ever since I added you as a link (and a person, of course), the hits are piling up just like the '04 Red Sox!!! See ya.

4/27/2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

And yet so few people visit mine. Hmmmmm. That's ok, my blog is more for self-indulgence than for drumming up visitors. I appreciate your stopping by though. Talk to you later!

4/27/2006 11:42 AM  
Blogger Peter N said...

Jess, I know the feeling. Before this past Tuesday, I've never had more than 55 hits. And then, with the Roger stuff, and my comments to "Surviving Grady" (with my homepage linked-link yours when you comment, and be funny. You know you are.), kazoom! If you haven't heard of Surving Grady, I'll send the link right now, and then I have to have lunch, or pass out. Hm...let me think...LUNCH! Here's the link.

4/27/2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger Peter N said...

4/27/2006 12:04 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Oh, I'm very witty!
Mad skills with the humor. Just doesn't always translate in writing. Not very disconcerting for me though. I'll just sit here and ramble.

4/27/2006 12:18 PM  

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