Monday, May 14, 2007

The Dice-man cometh

I'll make this brief, since it's 85 degrees right now and I desperately need to get back in front of a fan.

Huge sigh of relief today as Daisuke Matsusaka finally pitched a complete game.
Granted, more than 120 pitches, but still, one run against the second best record in the AL Detroit Tigers. A good night. Definitely.

That's all.
Back on hiatus I go!

One of these days I'll post some pics from my architecture boat tour from my parental visit last weekend. I was still pretty ill at the time so I need to process a little more before I post.

Ok, buh bye.


Blogger Unknown said...

You filched the best record from us!

Damn you!

5/17/2007 8:22 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

I noticed! What's up with that? You guys were doing so well!

Ah well, if nothing else, I know you were happy to see the Cubs implode today to lose after being up 5-1 in the bottom of the 9th to the Mets, right?
I hate NY's teams, all of 'em, but that was downright pathetic!

5/17/2007 10:15 PM  

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