Friday, June 02, 2006

Back to feeling human

There's nothing like having air conditioning again.
It came back online around 8PM last night and, for the first time in a good week, I slept through the night, and then some.
I feel so much better. I feel my sanity sinking back into my brain.
We'll have to wait and see if it actually manifests itself in honest to goodness sanity, but that's always been questionable.

Onto other things.
Well, that's really about it.

Sox had the day off yesterday, during which the Yankees finally lost to Detroit.
Now it's our turn to hopefully sweep the Tigers.
Yankees are facing our whipping boy Orioles tonight, so we need to keep winning to stay on top.

C'mon Curt!

More later.


Blogger Peter N said...

Hey human. I have one word for ya......YOOOUUUKKK!!!

6/03/2006 9:36 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

Damn straight!
Was that great or was that great?
Kick ass.

6/03/2006 11:37 AM  

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