Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Vacation summarized

Well, all in all, I have to say it was a fairly decent trip.

I'll just do a quick run-down here and then move on with the real life that I got to return home to.

Day one - arrived in Boston, no prob. Went home, said hi to the family, etc etc etc.
Aw, hell, never mind the whole day number thing.
First off, we started with some bad news. My brother and his wife were likely going to arrive very late, if at all. Suffice to say, for the second time in as many years, I'm not going to be an aunt. Not yet anyway. Tears shed, we continue.

We had the usual days of hanging out, enjoyed some tax free clothes shopping, including a nifty Varitek T to add to my collection of Soxwear.

After a few days, we made our way to Cape Cod, in a fierce rain.

That was the best shot I could get from the passenger seat as my Dad drove.

It did clear up for a bit, by a bit, I mean, it didn't rain for three of the days that we were there, while the rest we spent feeling rather like latchkey kids, completing jigsaw puzzles and reading. Thankfully, there was a tv and I was able to watch all the Sox games. God, I love NESN!
Sox did pretty damn spiffy while I was out there. Nice sweeps, nice streaks, only one loss in the twelve days I was out there.

Two days before our departure, my brother and my sister in law (still getting used to calling her that instead of "his wife", don't know why) showed up, so that was a treat. I had spent the last nine days among Polish speakers who tended to forget that my grasp of the language wasn't exactly as keen as those who, say, were born in Poland. With the arrival of Mike & Kelly, there was a lot more conversation for me to partake in, or at least understand. Here they are:

Mike was none too thrilled with the photo, since this was in the morning, and he felt they weren't at there best, but hey, who cares?

What else? Well, not much. That was pretty much it. Good food. Good company. Two walks on the beach, not quite as many as planned, but weather did not cooperate, and the sand was very sinky and hard to walk in. But still.
The last night we were there was the most beautiful. Here's the view from the back porch of where we were staying in Truro. Across the bay is Provincetown, and it's lighthouse, but it's hard to make out.

And there you have it. Back to Lexington on Saturday, back to Chicago on Sunday.
Done and done.

Now back to the Sox game. Schill just gave up a two run shot. dammitt.
But Kapler just got one of them back with a solo of his own.
Gotta go. Gotta focus.


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