Wednesday, July 05, 2006

what goes down

Must come up, yes?
Ok, so I get home from my five mile parallelogram trek, hop in the shower and emerge around noon to a voicemail from the temp agency. Yay!
So, they needed me to start this afternoon, since the person I was temporarily, if not permanently, replacing was having their last day today.
Hrm. Timing is interesting but I'll take it.
So, after five hours there, I know I seriously have my work cut out for me.

There's no other accountant there, and starting today, I was setting up their new accounting software, which I've never done before.

We'll see. Right now I feel like someone turned on the fire hose to give me a sip of water. Hopefully I'll settle in once everything's up to date on the new system.
The only problem is that my immediate boss doesn't have a clue about it and is expecting it to be ready, well, tomorrow.
Not likely, considering that I was only able to enter part of the payables, never mind everything else that is needed to use the general ledger, set up financials, etc. Not to mention that I haven't really worked as an actual accountant in about four years. "So, we can write checks tomorrow you think?" he asks. "Um, maybe?"
Again with the cautious optimism, what else do I have?

Ah well, work is work, if it doesn't pan out, it doesn't.
I'm hoping for the best.

Now back to trying to ignore the Red Sox game.
Oy. Why is it we can't seem to beat teams we have no business losing to?
I don't get it. But it's early. Here's hoping they turn it around to avoid a three game losing streak, especially since the Yanks are winning right now.


Blogger Peter N said...

Very soon, you'll get the hang of the whole situation at work. But for the Sox, there are no easy answers. Except for one. Win. Tonight. Timmy. Take care Jess.

7/06/2006 9:35 AM  

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