Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Oklahoma? OK.

I'm off for the holiday. To Oklahoma City, no less.
My brother and my sister-in-law recently moved there so that he could take a professorship at the law school there. So, since they have been in-transit enough this year, my parents are flying there from Massachusetts, and I'm flying there from Chicago.

Should prove to be interesting.
If nothing else, the temp should be 68 degrees for the duration of my stay so that'll be nice.

Off we go!

Have a wonderful and safe holiday everyone.
Enjoy the tryptophan and the subsequent food comas!


Blogger Peter N said...

Be safe. Be happy. Turkey or not.

11/22/2006 12:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hope all went well in Oklahoma! Did the locals jump and dance? I saw a play about that once.

11/28/2006 9:57 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

Heh. No actually dancing and jumping about was observed.
It was a good enough time though.
I'll post soon, once I complete my post-travel recuperation.

11/28/2006 6:57 PM  

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