Tuesday, January 30, 2007

If only I cared

I have yet to live in the city that I want to have win a national title.
I was living in Chicago all three time the Patriots won the Super Bowl.
Likewise, I was living in Chicago the one time in my lifespan the Red Sox won the World Serioes.

I honestly, really and wholeheartedly, wish I really cared if the Bears won the upcoming Super Bowl.
Sadly, I can't.

Naturally, I would prefer that they win, versus the alternative of the Colts who eliminated my precious Patriots, but, beyond that, I really don't give a rat's ass.

At this point, all I'm concerned about is finding a spot at the bar before the game starts on Sunday.
I want the Bears to win, naturally. But, more importantly, I want to be able to sit among Chicagoans as I watch it take place.
While standing room only maybe something relegated to transplants, I think I've lived here long enough to warrant my own seat. Dammitt.

As long as people hush up during commercials and the Colts don't win, I'm a happy camper.

Despite '85-86 - Go Bears!

Friday, January 26, 2007

No money. No car. No good.

The Captain Jessmobile died the other day.
Hopefully it will be resusitated shortly.
It's not really dead, just the battery. And maybe the alternator, won't know til it's checked out.

Just had it towed.
Just gave the tow-guy all my cash, plus five of Dave's dollars.

Thinking I'll be experiencing a little cabin fever for today, which is a shame, since I actually really wanted to hit the gym.

Ah well. I'll get my car back tomorrow, and start anew.

On the bright side, it's finally warmer again, so I enjoyed the 39 degree weather as I waited for the aforementioned tow-guy.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Sports Tabula Rasa

I am now, finally, over the Patriots loss from Sunday.
I'm not yet over the Colts win, but that's another story.

In any case, I'm using today to wipe the slate clean.
As I type, the cleansing has begun.

Everything Boston/New England is getting cleaned today.
From the Patriots T-Shirt, to the 12 Jersey, to the Varitek T-Shirt, to the "Why not us?" T-shirt.
Everything Boston sports-related is getting a cleaning, even if it doesn't need it.

We're starting fresh.
I'm ready.

Bring on Spring Training!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I'm pissed off. Dejected.
Crestfallen, if you will.


Bottom line?
Well, for lack of another course of action.
Go Bears.....Dammit.

So annoyed. No words.

Destiny shmestiny

It seems like everyone and their brother wants/expects it to be Colt - Saints in the SuperBowl. Everyone who doesn't live in New England or Illinois, that is.

I don't get it.
No, really, I don't.
I realize that the Saints are all feel-goody and I get that.
But the Colts? C'mon!
I have all the respect in the world for Tony Dungy and all that but Manning, with all his salary, commercials and, gotta say it, chokes, just doesn't deserve it.
I'm sick to death of this guy. Yes, we get it. He's a good quarterback. Fine.
He's also in a position to have to carry his team, and that's a shame - for him.

Enough, I gotta have some coffee and get ready to go to the bar.
Between the Bears game and the Pats game, as with last week, something tells me my ulcers will be having ulcers and that some time in the fourth quarter of game two I'll be having an aneurysm, as I pace about, freaking out.

That's it for now.

Oh yeah, GO PATS!!!!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

What a shot!

My friend Daphne sent me a picture of her cat, Pearline. My favorite cat out there.
Had to share.

Sassy. Sexy.

Love that mao mao!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Doomsday clock has apparently moved two minutes closer to midnight.
It's now five minutes to Midnight.

Kinda creepy, but I remain unphased, for now.
Hey, at least it's not three minutes to, like it was in '84.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Because it can't be all about the Patriots

Found this and it cracked me up.

The Simpsons, as anime.
Pretty nifty, actually.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Exhaling, now.

Amazing what freaking out will do for one's tolerance of alcohol.

Yesterday I watched two insanely exciting football games.
The Bears game went into overtime, which freaked me out because, well, for lack of any kind of loyalty made me root for the Bears and, of course the Patriots game which, I can honestly say made me freak out as much as I ever have, with the exception of every game following game three of the ALCS when the Sox played the Yanks.

I was honestly freaking out, and pacing, all afternoon yesterday.
Funnily enough, I was actually creating concern amongst those who know me.
Mind you, if I were living on the East Coast, it wouldn't be an issue but since the very exciting Bears game was over, I was the only transplant in the bar freaking out about the Patriot's game.

Thankfully, all ended as it should and, currently, I'm looking at a rematch of the 1985-6 season, you know, when the Pats got reamed by the Bears.

Well, I think I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to a rematch. Of course, we have to beat the Colts first, and, the Bears have to beat the Saints, but, barring everything else, I'm looking forward to a little retribution.

Suffice to say, although I was young during the '85-86 season, I was old enough to care and be mortally wounded by the outcome of the Bears trouncing the Pats. While we may have won three SuperBowls since then, I still feel a need for retribution.

I'll let it go at that for now, I'll update should the need present itself, provided that the Pats and the Bears both win come this Sunday.

Postscript: I was kinda tipsy when I wrote this post, hence a lot of repetition and grammatical errors. I left it as is because, well, that's me.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Strange, even for me

I fell asleep watching a dvd last night.
This morning my dvd player was blinking at me.
I opened it up, no dvd. I thought it had swallowed it.

I come out to the dining room to find a screwdriver to open it up and say to my roommate "I don't know how, but I think my dvd player ate a dvd."
He retorts "I don't know how, but I found a dvd in the toilet."

Yep, same one.
So now I'm sleepwalking? And if I am, I'm carrying dvd's to the bathroom in the middle of the night and chucking them into the toilet?

Something's got to change. I think it'll have to be me.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Still giggly

Yesterday was a weird, yet wonderful day. My cheeks are still a little sore from laughing and smiling. A nice change, I must admit.

So, I'm at the Globe watching football with John.
John is a football friend, which is to say that we only know each other at the bar, on Sundays. Here's the catch.
He's a Jets fan. Pretty much as psychotic about them as I am about the Patriots.

Earlier in the season, our teams played each other, we bet a drink.
I won the first one, he won the second. Yesterday was the rubber match. No bet, only honor.

Initially, he was just ecstatic that his team made the postseason and that was enough. Of course that lasted until yesterday.

I felt really bad for him, not the Jets, I'll always hate them, as with the Dolphins and so on and so forth.
Did I mention it was his birthday yesterday too? Yeah, felt really bad.

So we're sitting, watching, I'm restraining myself. Sitting patiently as he calls his brother to chant that damn JETS chant when they took the lead. Sat quietly again as my boys retook the lead.
Found myself apologizing to him when we intercepted the ball for another touchdown.

He then left, I then celebrated.

Went home, had some coffee, watched a little Star Trek and back to the Globe went I, for the holiday party.

It was a super fun, super drunk, late night.
There was dancing. On the bar. By me and others.
It was almost a little debaucherous, I have to say. I'm just sorry I didn't bring my camera, so no evidence or blackmail fodder will be found here.

So, on to San Diego with the Patriots, and on to the gym with me. I could use a little detox workout.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

When in doubt, don't blog

Hello all, hope your New Year's eves and days were fun and happy and safe and all that great stuff.

Haven't been posting lately. Haven't really wanted to.
The bottom line is, what's the point right now? I mean, all I really have to type about are things that I'm not really enjoying about my life right now and, let's face it, that's just a downer, so I'll spare you all.

What's good? Well, the Pats won on Sunday. A game that didn't mean much, but that cost them Harrison due to an injury. *sigh*
If nothing else, at least we're going into the post season on a winning streak, which is more than I can say for some other teams (like the omnipresent Bears, yeah, that's a shame).

What else? Well, baseball season isn't too far away. At least, Spring training isn't, so my optimism is looming, off in the distance somewhere.

And there you have it. Be well.