If only I cared
I was living in Chicago all three time the Patriots won the Super Bowl.
Likewise, I was living in Chicago the one time in my lifespan the Red Sox won the World Serioes.
I honestly, really and wholeheartedly, wish I really cared if the Bears won the upcoming Super Bowl.
Sadly, I can't.
Naturally, I would prefer that they win, versus the alternative of the Colts who eliminated my precious Patriots, but, beyond that, I really don't give a rat's ass.
At this point, all I'm concerned about is finding a spot at the bar before the game starts on Sunday.
I want the Bears to win, naturally. But, more importantly, I want to be able to sit among Chicagoans as I watch it take place.
While standing room only maybe something relegated to transplants, I think I've lived here long enough to warrant my own seat. Dammitt.
As long as people hush up during commercials and the Colts don't win, I'm a happy camper.
Despite '85-86 - Go Bears!